U of L Science Commons

Project Description
Lethbridge, AB, Canada

The Science Commons building was designed with the goal of enhancing sustainability at the University of Lethbridge.  It is the first building on campus to achieve LEED Gold certification and outperforms similar structures elsewhere by 50-78%.  Effective solar shading with Embedia's Solarai Plus controls was an integral part of this plan. 

Venetian blinds and roller shades throughout the building are important components of the natural heating and cooling.  Shading controls integrate with the BMS and coordinate with operable windows, ventilation, and other mechanical systems to optimize energy efficiency in both winter and summer.  Accounting for interior/exterior temperature differentials, the benefits of passive solar energy are maximized while Solarai's advanced sun tracking features position blinds automatically to ensure natural light is harvested while uncomfortable glare is eliminated.  Shades within offices, conference/meeting rooms, and lab areas also help to manage privacy in those spaces.  Solarai Control Panel software with customized floor plans allow facilities staff to monitor, schedule, and override the system for events and maintenance operations using mobile phones, tablets, or their computers.  Local switches, with timed return-to-auto functions, add another level of control to accommodate the unique needs of building occupants.